Trust Clause Witness Request
For Maryland Residents
Last week, Bishop LaTrelle Easterling and Baltimore-Washington Conference Chancellor Thomas Starnes testified before the Maryland Judicial Proceedings Committee, opposing Senate Bill 0586, which seeks to repeal the provisions on The United Methodist Trust Clause from state law.
On Tuesday, February 25, United Methodists will testify before the House of Delegates Economics Matters Committee opposing HB 1182, which seeks to do the same.
The United Methodist Trust Clause has been part of church law since 1787. It states that every church building is held “in trust for the benefit of the entire denomination.” If a church leaves the denomination, its property reverts back to the annual conference. Current Maryland law codifies this clause in state statutes.
Conference leaders ask that United Methodists reach out to the members of the House Economic Matters committee and their state legislators to voice their opposition to HB 1182 and SB 0586 before Feb. 24.
Three sample letters may be downloaded below. We encourage you to write using your own words and cut and paste text from the samples below as it is helpful.
Identify who your state representatives are.
Members of the House Economic Committee and links to their contact information include:
C.T. Wilson, chair,
Brian M. Crosby, vice chair