Prayer Ministry

Constant Prayer, Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart. Luke 18:1
To persist in prayer until the answer comes does not mean endless repetition or painfully long prayer sessions. Always praying means keeping our requests constantly before God as we live for him day by day, believing he will answer. When we thus live by faith, we are not to give up. God may delay answering, but his delays always have good reasons. As we persist in prayer we grow in character, faith, and hope.

Suggested reading: Luke 18: 1-8 Life Application Bible.

The Intercessory Prayer Team’s purpose is to pray for others. May we pray for you? Prayers will be lifted up for your specific requests daily, during altar call on Sundays, and during Wednesday evening prayer sessions. Requests may be:

  • written on a prayer card located in the pews and dropped in a prayer box in the narthex, G-1, or near the prayer chapel door.
  • emailed to
  • given to a prayer team member. Weekly prayer partners are also available to respond to your requests.