Missions and Outreach

Neighbor-to-Neighbor Breakfast & Undergarment/Toiletries Give-a-way

Asbury hosts a breakfast every 4th Sunday in the fellowship hall. Undergarments and toiletries are distributed.
This is great opportunity to fellowship with and serve our neighbors. You are invited to share the Word in speech, song, or poetry, serve food, chat with our neighbors, distribute personal care items, or offer your gifts and talents as the spirit moves you.

Breakfast starts approximately 9:00am. Volunteers should arrive by 8:15 am for orientation. Continental breakfast provided to volunteers.

To volunteer for the breakfast, contact Jesse James or Carlotta Jones at serve@asburyumcdc.org. To donate personal care items for distribution, contact Jeanarta McEachron at serve@asburyumcdc.org.

Food Pantry Volunteer

It remains a thriving ministry thanks to the generous support from various United Methodist groups and church members. Last year the pantry issued 6,166 lunch bags and 593 bags of groceries to needy families and the homeless. Should you wish to continue supporting this vital ministry with your financial support, donation of food items, or service, please contact Cardell or Jackie Richardson or Richard Colbert. Thanks for your continued support and may God continue to richly bless each of you.

If you like to meet people and like doing God’s work, we have an opportunity for you! We need your help to manage Saturday operations of the Asbury Food Pantry and become a member of a great and committed team, always working to meet a vital need in our community.
As a member you will receive training on:

    • Making Smart Choices in Food Selection
    • Ordering Food, Food Distribution
    • Space Management
    • Stocking
    • Volunteer Management
    • Customer Service

Our only requirement — commitment, a willing hand, and a desire to serve.


Greeters provide the important first impression of the congregation by setting a welcoming tone to each person who comes to worship as well as for special events as needed. They are the front line of welcoming God’s people.

Dinner Church

Help make our fellowship over a meal special every first Saturday of the month at 5pm.

Caregivers Support

Provides support and resources to members who care for disable, chronically ill, or elderly loved ones. Encourages caregivers to focus on their physical, emotional and spiritual needs as they fulfill their role.

Bereavement Repast

Provides comfort and fellowship for the families and friends of the deceased, as well as a repast following a funeral or memorial service.

Lay Servants Ministry

Would you like to extend your ministry with Christ in new directions? Consider the Lay Servants Ministry. Contact a Lay Servant to hear about their experience:
Tawana Jackson, Frances Neal, AnnPrice, Brenda Reid-Sanders, Ruth Scarborough, or Carol Travis

Come Visit us This Weekend